Kakuta No.HV350 Hold Down Clamp
TSUBOSAN 8-PCS Length 180mm Precision Needle Files
TSUBOSAN Triangular Engineer’s Files
TSUBOSAN Triangular Engineer’s Files
TSUBOSAN Triangular Engineer’s Files
TSUBOSAN 5-PCS Length 200mm Precision Needle Files
Kakuta No.HV450 Hold Down Clamp
TSUBOSAN 5-PCS Length 200mm Precision Needle Files
Kakuta No.HV451B Hold Down Clamp
Kakuta No.HV453-XL Hold Down Clamp
TSUBOSAN Triangular Engineer’s Files
Kakuta No.HV550 Hold Down Clamp
TSUBOSAN THIN HAND FILES Die Sinker’s-Assorted Files
Vessel No.71-15H Replacement head for No.71 (Size.1-1/2)
Vessel No.71-10H Replacement head for No.71 (Size.1)
Vessel No.77-10 Gel Grip Hammer (Rubber/Plastic Head) (Size.1)
Vessel No.RG-95 Ratchet Rivet Gun (Nose Piece 2.4,3.2,4.0,4.8mm)
Vessel No.8 Thread File (8 different thread pitches)
Vessel No.TPH-10 Screwdriver Holder (for Screwdriver1pc)
Vessel No.TPH-40 Screwdriver & Plier Holder (for Screwdriver 2pcs, Plier 2pcs)
Vessel No.TPB-10 Screwdriver Pouch (for Screwdriver 1pc, pen holder, card holder)
Vessel No.TPC-10 Screwdriver Case
Vessel No.70 Plastic Head Hammer (Size.2)
Vessel No.70 Plastic Head Hammer (Size.1-1/2)
Vessel No.70 Plastic Head Hammer (Size.1)
Vessel No.70 Plastic Head Hammer (Size.1/2)
Vessel No.70 Plastic Head Hammer (Size.1/4)
Vessel No.DB-200 Bucket for Electricians (200x200x125mm)
Vessel No.SC-90 Anti-drop Slim Cord
Vessel No.300005 Wire Stripper Cardbord product (For Stranded wire)
Vessel No.300002 Wire Stripper Cardbord product (For Solid Wire)
Vessel No.300001 Wire Stripper Cardbord product (For Solid Wire)
Vessel No.3700KM Cable Stripper (Seath O/D 8 to 28mm)
Vessel No.3700KS Cable Stripper (Seath O/D 4 to 16mm)
Vessel No.WB-013 For 3200VA-1 Replacement Blade
Vessel No.WB-003 Wire Stripper Blade (For Stranded wire)
Vessel No.WB-002 Wire Stripper Blade (For Solid Wire)
Vessel No.WB-001 Wire Stripper Blade (For Solid Wire)
Vessel No.3200VA-1 VA Cable Stripper (For VVF/EM-EEF)
Vessel No.3500E-4 Wire Stripper with Thread Cutter (For Solid Wire, Stranded wire)
Vessel No.3500E-3 Wire Stripper with Thread Cutter (For Solid Wire, Stranded wire)
Vessel No.3500E-2 Wire Stripper (For Solid Wire, Stranded wire)