Hansen Japan Co., Ltd.
Hansen Japan Standard Motors

Manufacturer: Hansen Japan Co., Ltd.
Performance: –
Global approvals and acceptances
Efficiency classes: IE1, IE2, IE3, IE4
NEW: Design update of the NORD IE3 asynchronous motors. The optimisation of the motor series includes many details that lead to an improvement in function, assembly and service of the motors. This includes the design update of the fan cover that is now quick to assemble and disassemble thanks to the simple click mechanism as well as the optimised incremental encoder assembly. It allows retrofitting the incremental encoder.
Brakes (BRE), Double brake (DBR+), Incremental encoder (IG), External fan (F)
Motor protection: Temperature sensor (TF), Thermostat (TW), Anti-condensation heater (SH)
Motor connection: Motor plug connection (MS)
NORD standard asynchronous motors meet all common efficiency regulations, are available in all international standards and have a wide range of options.