Japan, Katsuyama Kikai, Lifting, TOOLS & EQUIPMENT
Product Made in Japan
Manufacturer: Katsuyama Kikai
Tirtank is a tough and powerful endless roller that transports super-heavy objects safely and efficiently.
It is very compact but it can support super-heavy loads with a structure superior in stability and durability.
It has lots of applications in various fields like moving large structures, ships, and plant construction.
- The simple structure supporting the super-heavy load
- Total height is low by using endless rollers, stability is outstanding
- Rollers that do not require replacement greatly reduce work man-hours, greatly reduce transportation time
- Easy mounting by bolts and welding
- Customizable design that can improve linearity and turnability
Maximum ability: 4t ~ 25t
Type 7 is a TirTank with turn table mounted on top plate. Direction change is possible with optional direction change handle
Precaution for uses
- Beware of road condition: if road surface is weak, TirTank can stuck on the road
- Moving speed must be less then 5 m/min
- Overload is strictly prohibited
- Improve rectilinearity: by guide roller system when moving distance is 10 m or more or if you want to improve straightness.
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