
Kimoto Slope rope (rope) Slope and furnace spraying construction materials

Product Made in Japan
Manufacturer: Kimoto
Model: Couplings & Bodies

What are slope and furnace spraying construction materials?

Hoses, nozzles, couplings (fittings), ropes, and safety products used for slope and furnace spraying work. In addition, we handle all hoses and construction materials such as resin hoses, hydraulic and high-pressure hoses.

What is slope rope?

It is used as a rope for slope construction. Logioline FS, which is a slope rope (parent rope), has excellent tensile strength and abrasion resistance compared to Cremona rope, and does not absorb water easily. It does not become hard when wet. In addition, there is a red thread of the signal on the core of the rope, so you can see at a glance when it is time to replace it.


  • ・ It is stronger than Cremona rope.
  • ・ Compared to Cremona rope, it has excellent abrasion resistance.
  • ・ Since the raw yarn is polyester, it has low absorbency and is difficult to cure, so it is easy to operate.
  • ・ It has better weather resistance than Cremona rope.
  • ・ It contains a red core that predicts danger, and it is a criterion for replacement.
  • ・ The touch is equivalent to Cremona rope.


size18 mm × 200 m (*φ16 is also available)
Tensile strength48.0kN
4,895kgf (in-house standard)


製品写真 ロープ表示シールRope indication sticker The date of
start of use can be written, and it will be a guide for the replacement time.

製品写真 ロープカバーRope cover prevents
the rope from wearing.

製品写真 ロープとロープカバーの組合わせたものCombination photo is the use of
a combination of rope and cover.

Test Data

In-house testingsubstanceLogioline FS
Cremona S Rope
Tensile test52.0kN38.5kN
Abrasion Resistance TestMr./Ms. paper #120 with 10kgf load 400 rpm
(red core exposure)
48.0 kN
(92% retention)
26.6 kN
(72% retention)
Weathering TestsMr./Ms. Shine Weather Meter 100h
irradiation (63°C rainfall cycle 18 min/120 min)
52.5 kN
(101% retention)
30.8 kN
(92% retention)
Water Resistance TestAfter 6h soaking, 18h natural drying52.5 kN
(101% retention)
32.4 kN
(84% retention)
Alkali Resistance Test10% NaOH 6h immersion 18h natural drying,
submersible 6h immersion 18h natural drying
40.6 kN
(78% retention)
29.8 kN
(77% retention)
Freezing test6h After soaking, -25°C18h freezing55.1 kN
(106% retention)
33.1 kN
(86% retention)

It has been tested for use on slopes.
Please request test data each time.

Rope Disposal Standards

廃棄基準 ケバ立ちKebastand: A large part of the surface layer of the
strands is covered with

廃棄基準 扁平Flattened objects that have become
flattened due to the fall of an
object, etc., and have caused trauma

廃棄基準 摩耗Abrasion:
Worn items with exposed red signals

廃棄基準 切断Cutting:
Yarn running out

廃棄基準 モルタル付着Mortar adhesion:
Mortar adhered to and cured




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