Japan, Matsutani, Rare Sugar
Matsutani Rare Sugar Syrup

Product Made in Japan
Manufacturer: Matsutani
Won’t give up both Sweetness and getting Slim!! New Sweetener for the Next Generation!!
Natural and good sweet taste similar to sugar
Glucose Syrup containing Rare Sugars, which has been confirmed to reduce body fat
Ingredients: Glucose, fructose, rare sugars (D-psicose, D-allose, etc), D-mannose.
Food labeling (in Japan): Glucose Syrup (glucose, fructose, D-psicose, etc).
Report: Effect of Rare Sugar Sweet® in Humans
A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled parallel-group study was conducted. Thirty-four male and female adults (mean body weight 70.5 kg, mean body fat 28.2%) ingested either a test drink containing 30 g (dry solid) of glucose syrup containing rare sugar (Rare Sugar Sweet) or an isocaloric control drink containing HFCS daily for 12 weeks. (**p<0.01).
Q: What are Rare Sugars?
Monosaccharides existing in small quantities in nature.
- Technology for the large-scale production was developed by Prof. Izumori of Kagawa University in recent years and further research is moving forward.
- Various physiological functions attract attentions of food and pharmaceutical industries;
e.g. D-psicose has no calorie,、but has 70%%sweetness to sugar.。It has functions to attenuate blood glucose level and to reduce visceral fat accumulation.
D-allose has functions to be antioxidant and to moderate blood pressure, expected to be utilized in the pharmaceutical area.