Nacol Gas Charging ToolsFor Oil Tank Dust Prevention Dynaclean
Made in Japan
Manufacturer: Nacol Co., Ltd. (The company name has changed from Japan Accumulator Co., Ltd. as of April 2024.)
Dynaclean has a function to protect the hydraulic fluid in the oil tank from contamination and oxidation.
When the fluid surface lowers in the closed fluid tank, the bladder in the Dynaclean shrinks and sends the air in it to the closed fluid tank.Then the air pressure in the fluid tank can be stabilized.
When the fluid surface rises in the closed fluid tank, the bladder in the Dynaclean inflates and absorbs the air in it from the closed fluid tank.
Then the air pressure in the fluid tank can be stabilized.
Then the air pressure in the fluid tank can be stabilized.
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