Japan, Nikkin Flux
Nikkin Flux Mobile Radiation Measuring Instrument “PMT-2000 on Vehicle”

Made in Japan
Manufacturer: Nikkin Flux
Product name: Mobile Radiation Measuring Instrument “PMT-2000 on Vehicle”
Radiation measuring instrument for soil, water and food
PMT-2000 can measure the radiation in high speed, high precision, and onsite, even if the area where radiation dose is very high.
Conventional high precision radiation measurement is required to send the sample to third party laboratoly and need to wait the result a few days or weeks. Therefore decontamination work, road construction, loading of seafood at the port were blocked their field operation.
PMT-2000 on Vehicle is reinstalled the radiation measurement instrument on the vehicle. So PMT-2000 makes field inspection available and remove the bottleneck of your field operation.
PMT-2000 applied special radiation shielding application to avoid the impact of high radiation dose area. This special radiation shielding technologies was developed by Nikkin Flux with technical supervised by Japan Atomic
Energy Agency (JAEA). Based upon this technologies, PMT-2000 can measure the radiation quickly and accurately in the area where has high radiation dose. For example, measurement of radiation Cs volume in food takes about one (1) minutes, in case of 2L sample, area radiation dose: 2.5μSv/h and standard radiation: 100Bq/kg.
Measurement limits of different areal radiation dose.
Measurement limites means lowest detaction level of radiation
If radiation detection level is lower, then that equipment can be measure as much as possible.
*Measurement limit can be change depends of the field enviroment, test samples, and energy of inspection.
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