Nippon Furnace HRS-U1 Burner

Made In Japan
Model: HRS-U1
Burners & Combustion Equipment Business
Nippon Furnace started manufacturing and marketing combustion burners soon after World War II, initially under technical licensing agreements with such world famous burner manufacturers as Bloom, Coen, Pillard and Forney. The company later put on sale high quality high efficiency burners developed in its own R&D facilities, and established its position in the combustion technology market. Starting in 1987, the company stepped up its R&D efforts to develop a new Regenerative Combustion System “HRS”, High Cycle Regenerative Combustion System, to simultaneously respond to the evolving global environmental consciousness and meet the needs of a rapidly expanding economy. The HRS Technology was adopted as the core technology in the High Performance Furnace Development Project, one of Japan’s national development projects. Since 1999, the HRS burners have been adopted by many industrial furnaces for the National Field Test Project and have proved their excellence in reducing both fuel consumption (by over 30% compared to conventional burners) and NOx emissions. NFK’s combustion burners and equipment based on the most advanced combustion theory and technical data are now receiving worldwide acclaim for high efficiency and high quality.
Burners & Combustion Equipment
industrial Furnaces equipped with Regenerative Burners(HRS Burners)
- HRS-DL Type Heat Treatment & Annealing Furnaces
- HRS-RT Type Heat Treatment Furnaces
- HRS-RT Type Aluminum Heat Treatment Furnaces
Burner for Fired Heater • Burner for Rotary Kiln
- Air Staged Low NOx Burner for Fired Heater of Refinery
- Fuel Staged Low NOx Burner for Fired Heater of Refinery
- Three (3) Fuel Burner for Rotary Kiln
Burners for Boiler • Economizer
- NNFK-LND Type Oil Fired Low NOx Burner
- NFK-LPCF Type Large Gas Fired Burner for Low Calorie Fuel
- NFK-ULN Type Gas Fired Low NOx Burner
- NFK-CGT Type Regenerator for Gas Turbine Exhaust
- NFK-ECG Type Anti-Corrosion Glass Economizer
Energy Saving Equipment & Maintenance for Boiler
- Heat Recovery & Energy Saving Equipment for Boiler
- Automatic Operation Control System & Remote Control System for Boiler
- Test Operation, Periodical Inspection & Maintenance Service of Boiler
Other Combustion & Energy Saving Equipment
- NFK-DEKA Air Pre-Heater
- A.I./S.I.(Air/Steam Enthalpy Intensifier)
- High Temperature/Pressure Indirect Hot Air Generator
- High Pressure/Enthalpy Intensified Combustor
- FCC/RFCC Air Heater
- Fired Heater
- Flame Detector
- COG Filter
Regenerative Burners (HRS Burners)
- HRS-DL Burner (Direct Firing Type)
- HRS-DF Burner (Direct Firing and Non-Oxidizing/Reducing Type)
- HRS-RT Burner (Radiant Tube Type)
- HRS-U1 Burner (Package Type Direct Firing Type)
- HRS-UX Burner (Continuous Fueling Direct Firing Type)
- HRS-CEM (Four Way Valve)
Regenerative Burners (HRS Burners)
HRS (High Cycle Regenerative Combustion System) burners have achieved outstanding energy savings by means of ultra high pre-heated air combustion and high efficiency waste heat recovery systems. These were realized by use of NFK’s patented ceramic honeycomb regenerating media and CEM (Cross Exchange Mechanism), a four-way Switching Device. The HRS-ULN(ultra low NOx) burners based on the latest fuel staging combustion theory have also set a new standard in reducing NOx emissions.
HRS-U1 Burner
(HRS Package Type Direct Firing Burner)
A compact direct firing burner with a built-in honeycomb regenerator which incorporates ultra-high pre-heated air combustion technology to achieve minimum pressure loss and low Nox emission simultaneously. The built-in block type honeycomb regenerator allows for easy maintenance and servicing of regenerator media.
Applications | Heating furnaces, ceramic calciners, steel re-heating furnaces. |
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