Nunotani Nautical Instruments Mfg Co.
Nunotani Nautical Remote Control System

Manufacturer: Nunotani Nautical Instruments Mfg Co., Ltd
Slewing propeller remote control system
Remote control of the slewing gear, main engine etc. is possible with simple handle operations at the control stand in the wheelhouse. This unit is commonly used on tugboats, workboats, and similar vessels.
The thruster control unit enables easy touchdown and slewing through the remote control of the propeller pitch.
Main engine / CPP remote control system
Enables remote control of the main engine/CPP in the wheelhouse etc.
This equipment uses the control computation unit or the micro-computer unit (N2010). It is capable of controlling the main engine for small- to large-sized boats, and the CPP of varying properties regardless of its size.
Monitoring unit
This unit indicates signals from the main machine, sub-machines, sensors installed in varying locations, and other devices, in the display panel for measurement and monitoring. In case of an abnormality, an alert message appears, and an alarm sounds.
The attached printer is capable of automatic printing of daily reports and other records, and of printing alarm history and cumulative records. The unit can connect to PCs in remote locations via the shipboard LAN.
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