Sanshu Sangyo EC Series Environmentally Friendly Container Bulk Dryer

Manufacturer: Sanshu Sangyo Co., Ltd.
Model: EC Series

Tobacco leaf dryer

Environmentally Friendly Container Bulk Dryer

Main unit side (and microcomputer bulk device)

Inside the drying chamber

Development concept of the environmentally friendly container bulk dryer

1) Development Concept

  • To reduce the environmental impact in tobacco leaf drying and better preserve the Earth’s environment, therefore, the machine developers aimed to reduce fuel consumption by more than 30% compared to conventional machines.

2) Energy-saving Performance

  • It enables a reduction in fuel consumption of over 30%. (Passed the Tobacco Cultivation Material Commissioned Test in FY 2016).


1.Significant improvement in insulation performance

①The panel thickness increases from the previous 25mm to 42mm.

As a result, insulation performance improves significantly by using color steel plates for the outer surface, injecting high-density foam polyurethane inside, and replacing the traditional aluminum frame with a resin frame.

In addition, insulation panels are applied to the bottom plate to prevent heat loss from the foundation.

As a result, the heat loss to the foundation section is significantly reduced.

Thermography image of the hot air generator during drying

※ The higher the temperature, the stronger the red color appears.

Traditional dryer
(Insulation material: Glass wool)

EC-type dryer
Insulation material: Gypsum board + foam polyurethane

④To prevent heat loss from the observation window, specialized sashes and insulation panels have been used.

2. New Microcomputer Bulk Type 20 (Touch Panel Type)

Building on the user-friendliness of the Microcomputer Type 5, we aimed for an even higher quality finish.
Making the tobacco leaf production process more enjoyable and simpler!

Equipped with a 5.7-inch high-definition touch panel

Features of the New Microcomputer Bulk

Part 1. By adding new hanging conditions, we aimed to improve the finishing quality.

Reducing operational effort
Towards a more ideal finish

Part 2. Simple design for intuitive operationFocused on essential information only
Emphasized user-friendly operation for seamless navigation

Part 3. Reliable support to prevent accidental mistakes

Minimizes operational errors, with immediate alert notifications
Additionally, optimizes the movement of the damper
With new features, both finishing quality and fuel efficiency are improved

Part 4. Save up to three personalized custom programs

Expert drying methods
Easily saved with simple copying

Part 5. Easily start re-drying or humidity control operation when overly damp

A dedicated program menu screen has been provided
Effortless one-touch startup without hesitation

Specifications of the New Microcomputer Bulk Model

Name / Model Microcomputer Bulk 20 / MC-0101
Monitor panel 5.7-inch TFT color LCD
Touch switch method
Function / Display / Settings Drying Modes: Automatic, My Program, Re-dry, Humidity control, Manual

Display/Settings: Main menu, In operation, Change screen, Clock

Settings: Touchscreen settings

Alarms: Dry bulb, Wet bulb, Sensor, Power, Microcomputer abnormality

3. Equipped with a double-inlet multi-blade blower (Sirocco fan)

  • A quiet multi-blade blower (Sirocco fan) is used, and it operates more quietly compared to traditional axial flow fans.
  • The three-phase induction motor meets energy-saving standards, compatible with high-efficiency motors (IE2, IE3).

External dimensions drawing of the environmentally friendly container bulk dryer

Dimensions of each part of the dryer

Drying chamber floor area Dimensions A
Dimensions B
Dimensions C
6.6㎡model (2.0 tsubo) 3,730 3,814 4,783
8.3㎡model (2.5 tsubo) 4,630 4,714 5,683
9.9㎡model (3.0 tsubo) 5,560 5,644 6,613

Foundation dimensions of the dryer

Drying chamber floor area Dimensions A
Dimensions B
Dimensions C
6.6㎡model (2.0 tsubo) 2,000 4,830 4,775
8.3㎡model (2.5 tsubo) 2,000 5,730 5,675
9.9㎡model (3.0 tsubo) 2,000 6,660 6,613

Specifications of the Environmentally Friendly Container Bulk Dryer

Model Type EC30-CUSD-100-6.6-2-P-MC EC30-CUSD-120-8.3-2-P-MC EC30-CUSD-120-9.9-2-P-MC


Effective floor area 6.8m2 8.5m2 10.2m2
Effective floor area of
the machinery room
Dimensions (internal)
1,835×3,730×1,950mm 1,835×4,630×1,950mm 1,835×5,560×1,950mm
Number of hanging levels 2 levels
Name of hanging equipment Easy Needle Rack with 32 Frames Easy Needle Rack with 40 Frames Easy Needle Rack with 48 Frames
Hanging capacity 900kg 1,150kg 1,350kg
Generator Blower Model Type Double-inlet centrifugal multi-blade blower (1 unit)
Rated output Single-phase 200V – 750W
Three-phase 200V – 1.5kW
Airflow volume 100 ㎥/min 120 ㎥/min
Static pressure Single-phase 200V – 33mmAq
Three-phase 200V – 40mmAq
Single-phase 200V – 28mmAq
Three-phase 200V – 38mmAq
Electric current Single-phase 200V – 7.5A
Three-phase 200V – 5.5A
Single-phase 200V – 9.3A
Three-phase 200V – 6.3A
Burner Model Type Gun-type burner
Fuel used Kerosene JIS K2203-1
Fuel consumption 3.2L/H (0.85G/H)
Motor output 200V 20W 0.35A/0.4A(60Hz/50Hz)
Ignition device Primary side: 200V 0.9A
Secondary side: 15KV 23mA
Control device Control by Microcomputer Bulk (Microcomputer system)
① Dry bulb control: ON-OFF control by burner
② Wet bulb control: PID control by automatic damper
Safety device Burner circuit shutdown and alarm system using protect relays and high limit (liquid expansion type)
Total input Single-phase 200V: 1.7kW 8.8A
Three-phase 200V: 1.6kW 6.8A
Single-phase 200V: 2.0kW 10.6A
Three-phase 200V: 1.9kW 7.6A

Compatibility between fresh leaf, dry leaf photos, and the hanging device.

It’s compatible with the standard hanging device, so it can be used as usual.


Large Container Bulk Dryer

  • The drying chamber and hot air generator are insulated with 42mm panels! The traditional model used 25mm.
  • Fuel consumption during drying can be reduced by 30%!
  • A new type has been developed that can utilize existing foundations!
  • Reduced packing materials and coatings. Countermeasure against foreign matter contamination!
  • Equipped with an easy-to-use touch panel type microcomputer bulk dryer.

Standard specifications of the environmentally friendly container bulk large dryer

Model Type EC30-JCD250-13.2-2-P-MC EC30-JCD250-16.5-2-P-MC EC30-JCD340-20-2-P-MC


Effective floor area 13.2㎡ 16.5㎡ 19.8㎡
Effective floor area of
the machinery room
Dimensions (internal)
(1,835×2)×3,730× 1,916mm (1,835×2)×4,630× 1,916mm (1,835×2)×5,560× 1,916mm
Number of hanging levels 2 levels
Name of hanging equipment Easy Needle Rack with 64 Frames Easy Needle Rack with 80 Frames Easy Needle Rack with 96 Frames
Hanging capacity 2,000kg 2,600kg 3,100kg
Blower Model Type Three-phase induction motor direct-coupled, rear-mounted static blade axial flow fan (2 units)
Rated output Three-phase 200V-0.75kW×2 Three-phase 200V-1.5kW×2 Three-phase 200V-2.0kW×2
Airflow volume 125m3/min × 2 145m3/min × 2 180m3/min × 2
Static pressure 147Pa(15mmAq) 196Pa(20mmAq)
Power supply Three-phase 200V – 4.0A × 2 Three-phase 200V―6.0A×2 Three-phase 200V―8.0A×2
Burner Model Type Gun-type burner
Fuel used Kerosene JIS K2203-1
Fuel consumption 5.7L/h(1.5G/h)
Motor output 200V 40W 0.4A
Ignition device Primary side: 200V 0.9A
Secondary side: 15KV 23mA
Control device Control by Microcomputer Bulk (Microcomputer system)
① Dry bulb control: ON-OFF control by burner
② Wet bulb control: PID control by automatic damper
Safety device Burner circuit shutdown and alarm system using protect relays and high limit (liquid expansion type)
Total input Blower three-phase 200V: 1.5kW 8.0A
Burner single-phase 200V: 0.24kW 1.5A
Blower three-phase 200V: 3.0kW 12.0A
Burner single-phase 200V: 0.24kW 1.5A
Blower three-phase 200V: 4.0kW 16.0A
Burner single-phase 200V: 0.24kW 1.5A

※The specifications above refer to the type utilizing the existing foundation, while the flat foundation type will have (‐F) added at the end of the model number. The double-inlet centrifugal multi-blade blower (2 units) (JCSD type) is also available in the lineup.

  • Type utilizing existing foundation: This type uses the existing foundation directly, so no foundation work is required. (Applicable when existing equipment is arranged in a single building).
  • Flat foundation type: Requires the construction of a special flat foundation with a depth of 420mm, with each unit being installed individually.

※These specifications may be changed without prior notice for improvement purposes.






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Japan Clamp | Kanetec | Jung | KITO | Katsuyama Kikai
Kondotec | Miki Netsuren | Sanei Seiki | Taiyo

Hand Tools
Bix | Miyakawa | Nakatani Kikai | Ogura | Osakada Tool
Super Tool | TONE | Yutani

Kamoi | Kikusui | Misuzu | Nirei | Okamoto | Taiho | Teraoka

Hasegawa | Kawaki | Kett | KGK | Line Seiki | Nagano Keiki
Niigata Seiki | Obishi Keiki | RSK | Ryoden Shonan | Sanko
Sanwa Supply | Showa Seisakusho | Showa Sokki
SK Sato | Tokyo Keiso | Tokyo Sokushin

Safety Tools
Fujii Denko | Shigematsu | Titan

Asahi Weldex | Daihen | Koike | Nissan Tanaka

Dijet | Kansai Kogu | Nitto Kohki | Okazaki Seiko | Takeda

Cemedine | DaitoNippon Grease | Taseto

Other Tools
Hammer Caster | Kitagawa | Matsuda Seiki | Misuz | Sanritsu
Sanyutec | Shizuoka Seiki | Toyo Kensetsu Kohki | Yamamoto


Acokk | Bunkaboeki | Horiuchi | Konan | Murakoshi
Murakoshi Industries | Nesstech | Nihon Flux | Nikkin Flux
NFK | Omega System | Organo | Taiyo Parker | Toyo Mic

Dynaflo | Ebara | Honda Kiko | KyowaMusashino

Astam | Kyowa Iron | Nachi | Nippon Daiya | Sawada
Wasino Kiki | Yoshitake

Arkon | Asahi Bagnal | Gentos | Iwasaki | Kokosha | U_RD


Concrete Work
Daia | EXEN | Japan Life | Mikasa | Okasan Kiko | Taiheiyo

Railway Work
Kyoei | Sanwa Tekki | Teikoku | Toko

Bullman | Okabe | Rikiman | Tsugaru

High Tension Bolt
Dong Ah | KPF | Nippon Steel Bolten | Nippon Fastener

Bolt & Nut & Washer
Hard Lock | Kishu Fastener | Matsukin | Mori Kozai
Nakaumi | Naniwa | Ogawa | Otani | Sudo | Toneji


Steel & other Material
Dongil | JIS Standard | DSR | Sumitomo Wire | Winoa IKK
