Japan, Tokyo Sokushin
Tokyo Sokushin CV-374AR / CV-374BR Digital Data Recorder

Product: made in Japan
Manufacturer: Tokyo Sokushin
Model: CV-374AR / CV-374BR
Earthquake Observation and Health Monitoring
・All-in-one sensor recording large capacity waveform and LAN connection
・Observation of micro-tremor to strong motion by servo accelerometer
・Recording continuous data and trigger file in a CF card together
・Send seismic information such as maximum value, seismic intensity and predominant period, and waveform data
・Connect by single LAN cable including power and synchronization (CV-374B)
CV-374A : For general network line. (AC100V power supply is necessary to the main unit)
CV-374B : For exclusive network line by single LAN cable. (Power supply and various synchronizations from exclusive HUB)
Common Specifications CV-374A , CV-374B
Example of Use
The specification may change without notification because of the proved product.
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