Japan, Watanabe
Watanabe WSPA-FTH Free spec type thermocouple temperature transducer – Signal Converter

Made in Japan
Manufacturer: Watanabe Electric Industry Co. Ltd
B/E/J/K/N/S/R/T/Wre Digital type equipped with a converter CPU that outputs a DC signal proportional to the thermocouple signal.
- Small plug-in type for easy maintenance
- Realized 5-year warranty by long-life design
input signal | Temperature (B/E/J/K/N/S/R/T/Wre thermocouple) |
output signal | DC voltage/DC current |
power supply | AC100-240V DC24V DC100-120V |
Response speed (0→90%) | 180ms |
Withstand voltage | AC2000V |
mass (weight) | about 150g |
Compliant standard | EN61326-1 EN61010-1 EN IEC 63000 |
External dimensions (HWD) | 84×29.5×106.5mm |
Operating temperature and humidity | -5 to +55°C 90% RH or less |