
Obishi Keiki Seisakusho QB – 108 Multipurpose Type Gear Mating Tester

Manufacturer : Obishi Keiki Seisakusho
Model : QB -108
Product: Multipurpose Type Gear Mating Tester

System Outline

On the standard specification of this equipment, in addition to the representative flat gear, spiral gear, internal gear, and bevel gear inspection is possible. Optionally hypoid gear is also possible acoustic testing, tooth contact testing, both teeth surface mating testing, inspection items are also possible. Also, for high accuracy measurement, we are using granite material for the measurement base.

Specification Outline Of QB – 108

PowerAC200V 1KVA
Load Breakcan be set to any load using a dial.
Target WorkMAX diameter250mm
MAX weight 10kg (including jigs)
Axis Interval DistanceParallel Axis : -5 – 255mm
Intersecting Axis, Drive side : 127.5 – 290mm
Passive side : 0 – 127.5mm
Axis Angle0 – 360deg., Can be set to any position.
(30 seconds Unit set)
No. of Revolutions0 – 2500rpm Nonstep Setting : Normal/Reverse Possible
Required floor space1700(W)×900(D)mm

Nagaoka Gear Works Co. Ltd. developed and markets this equipment under a technical agreement.




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