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Suiden SSV-103A / SSV-203A / SSV303A Sween Turbo – Almighty Type Vacuum Cleaners

Product Made in Japan
Manufacturer: Suiden
Model: SSV-103A/SSV-203A/SSV303A


One vacuum cleaner for all your needs!
Solve all your vacuuming needs with just one vacuum cleaner. The powerful Suiden vacuum cleaners in the almighty series are not only great at cleaning dust and powder, but also liquids and even oils.

Powerful induction motor allows 24h operation
The Suiden Sween Turbo vacuum cleaners are equiped with powerful induction motors that allows for continous use 24 hours straight. This is very rare in vacuum cleaners, and is suitable for facilities that require around the clock operation.

Suitable for work in processing lines
Because of their durability, these vacuum cleaners are suitable for work in continuous processing and assembly lines, and can even be assembled into the machinery.

Super easy dust disposal
The dust tank is easily detached from the main unit, and becuase it is equiped with caster wheels, can easily be rolled to the disposal site. this makes disposal easy even when the tank is full of liquids or other heavy materials. The tank is later just as easily reattached.

Drain pipe for liquids and oil
The bottom of the dust tank is equiped with a drain pipe, allowing for easy disposal of liquids and oils.

Can also be used as a dust blower

Can be used with plastic garbage bag




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