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SHIGEMATSU AL-6 Supplied Air Respirator

Product Made in Japan

Manufacturer: Shigematsu

Model: AL-6

Type or ClassificationDemand type air line respirator


Can be used in the oxygen deficiency (Can be used when the oxygen concentration is more than 14 % according to JIS(Japanese Industrial Standard) T 8150:2006 [Guidance for selection, use and maintenance of respiratory protective device])


  • The demand valve supplies air to the facepiece only in a volume that the wearer demands for breathing.
  • This model can be substituted as a constant flow type by turning the knob of the demand valve.


Hose MaskFresh air is supplied from outside of workplace
Air Line RespiratorThe compressed air source from the compressor or the air cylinder is required.
Combination Air Line Respirator with Auxiliary Self-Contained Air SupplyGenerally use as air line respirator and use as SCBA in case of emergency.




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