Japan, Shinano
Shinano SI-1435 1/2″ Ratchet Wrench Standard Air Tools
Product made in Japan
Manufacturer: Shinano
Model: SI-1435
Shank Size in./(mm) |
1/2/(12.7) |
Maximum Torque Nm/(ft-lb) |
160/(118) |
Working Torque Range Nm/(ft-lb) |
0-110/(0-81) |
Bolt Cap mm/(in.) |
16/(5/8) |
Free Speed r.p.m. |
140 |
Weight kg/(lb) |
1.95/(4.31) |
Noise Level * dBA/(power) |
93/(104) |
Vibration a/k * m/s2 |
5.4/1.0 |
Avg.Air Consumption CFM/(L/S) |
4.7/(2.2) |
Air Inlet Size in. |
1/4 |
- The largest ratchet wrench in the range with the highest torque
- 1/2″sq. anvil
- Good for running nuts on tractor blades
*Noise levels according to ISO 15744:2008,ISO 11203:2009
*Vibration level according to ISO 28927
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