Japan, Tokyo Sokushin
Tokyo Sokushin TS-Station Terminal Software

Product: made in Japan
Manufacturer: Tokyo Sokushin
Model: TS-Station Terminal Software
Set the operating condition or retrieve the recording data with connecting TS Station from PC to our corresponding recorder
Communication Software for remote control of various condition setting and data collection between in-house seismic intensity meter/data logger from PC.
・ Features(Pwave32 standard installation / Operation environment: Windows® 7 or later)
1.Registration of new observation station & editing of established observation
station’s registration information
2.Display observation station chart, newest information of observation station
and trigger information
3.Copy of Observation station / Delete / Import / Export
4.Earthquake information / Trouble information standby
5.Automatic collection of recorded data regularly / Periodic checking and
basic set up of various operations
6.Collect recorded data in manual mode
7.Save trigger history & display / Display waveform of recorded data
8.Save status history & display