Japan, Tokyo Sokushin
Tokyo Sokushin VIP-19 Intensity Meter (for rack-mount) Seismic Monitor

Product: made in Japan
Manufacturer: Tokyo Sokushin
Model: Intensity Meter VIP-19
Multi channel input type seismic monitor corresponding to the network
Display & Announcement
・Trigger time
・Predominant period
・Period at peak acceleration
Time History Data
3 or 6CH 24Bit Data save (VIP-18)
9~36CH, 24bit Data save (VIP-19)
in CF card
4-Level alarm
Multiple Network Access
LAN (10/100 Base-TX)
2 serial Ports (9600~115.2kbps)
System Configuration
This system is designed to keep the rules of JMA and FDMA notification.
The specification may change without notification because of the proved product.