Kunimoto, Scaffolding
Kunimoto U-shaped Universal Clamp 48.6

Product made in Japan
Manufacturer: Kunimoto
General Introduction
- U-shaped Universal Clamp can be stabilized with just only one screw.
- Flexible: you can screw in vertical or horizontal way.
- Thick cover helps to make the most of stabilization.
- Antivibration.
- Easy to switch from vertical way to horizontal way and vice versa.
Detailed information
- Product Name: U-shaped Universal Clamp 48.6
- No. 1301005
- Quantity: 20 pieces
- Packing weight: 21.0 kg
- Each set has 2 pieces.
- Please tighten the screw after firmly pushing it in the clamp.
- Strictly use a force from 34.3 N/m to 44.1 N/m (350 to 450 kg/cm).
- Because the steel of the clamp is specially designed, please do not recycle (re-plating) or weld, which causes hydrogen plasticity. (It is not recommended by Industrial Association temporarily).