
Jasco V-700 Series UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer

Made in Japan
Manufacturer: Jasco
Model: V-700 Series: V-730, V-750, V-760, V-770, V-780

The V-700 series UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometers have been launched as the successor to the highly acclaimed V-600 series. With a diverse lineup of models, we provide users with the highest performance for their measurements and a completely different experience. The V-730 is suitable for routine work, the V-750 and V-760 are high-sensitivity UV-Vis models, and the V-770 and V-780 can measure up to the near-infrared region.

Achieves excellent linearity over a wide wavelength range

We have improved the proven optical system. A wide dynamic range has been achieved by adopting an ultra-high resolution A/D converter and optimizing the optical system and signal processing.

Supports reliable measurements

 Supports Validation

The system offers a validation program. Choosing a standard like JP or USP instantly determines the necessary test items. After starting, simply follow the dialog box instructions to ensure a smooth testing process.
* A separate jig is required.

Daily Inspection Program

A daily program checks the instrument’s condition, included as standard. Each day begins with spectral measurements on filters and other items that remain stable over time. The results are automatically saved, and past measurements can be reviewed chronologically, maintaining data reliability.
* Use the same one every time.

Equipment Diagnostic Function

Every time the device starts, it checks the status of the light source and wavelength drive.

V-700 Series: V-730, V-750, V-760, V-770, V-780

Lamp illumination time display

Control the device via PC or dedicated module

As a tool to control the spectrophotometer, you can choose between a PC or the small module iRM dedicated to device operation.

IQ Accessories (Automatic Accessory Recognition System) & IQ Start

The V-700 series is equipped with IQ accessories, which allow accessories to be automatically recognized by the software and accessory names, serial numbers, etc. automatically recorded in measurement data.

Line up

V-730: A high-performance UV-Vis spectrophotometer with a compact body that can be installed anywhere

  • Measurement wavelength range: 190nm to 1100nm
  • High performance in a compact housing
  • Ideal for liquid measurements
  • Spectral bandwidth 1nm
UV-Visible Spectrophotometer V-730

V-750: Standard UV-Vis model for a wide range of applications

  • Measurement wavelength range: 190nm to 900nm
  • A wide dynamic range is achieved across the entire measurement wavelength range.
  • Highly efficient and bright optical system with single monochromator
  • By attaching various accessories, it can be used in a wide range of applications.
UV-Visible Spectrophotometer V-750

V-760: Extremely low stray light model equipped with a double monochromator

  • Measurement wavelength range: 187nm to 900nm
  • Achieves Abs6 across a wide range of wavelengths
  • Double monochromator adopted to achieve class-leading extremely low stray light (0.00008%)
UV-Visible Spectrophotometer V-760

V-770: Covers a wide range of wavelengths from UV to visible to near infrared

  • Measurement wavelength range: 190nm to 2700nm (optionally expandable to 3200nm)
  • Highly efficient and bright optical system with a single monochromator
UV-Vis-NIR Spectrophotometer V-770

V-780: High-sensitivity, high-resolution measurement model for UV, visible, and near-infrared regions equipped with an InGaAs detector

  • Measurement wavelength range: 190nm to 1600nm
  • High sensitivity, high resolution model using InGaAs detector in near infrared region
  • New lamp house improves stability in the near infrared range



Model name
Optical systemRowland outer circular arrangement single monochromator double beam systemCzerny-Turner mount , single monochromator, double beam systemCzerny-Turner configuration, dual monochromator, twin beam setup
light source

Deuterium lamp, halogen lamp

Wavelength range


Wavelength Accuracy±0.2nm (656.1nm)

±0.1nm (656.1nm)

Spectral Bandwidth (SBW)

1 nm

0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10nm
L2, L5, L10nm (low stray light mode)
M1, M2nm (microcell mode)

Stray light

1% (198nm KCl, 12g/L in water)
With 0.02% (220nm NaI, 10g/L in water)
Containing 0.02% (340nm NaNO2, 50g/L in water)
At 0.02% (370nm NaNO2, 50g/L in water)
SBW 1nm

1% (198nm KCl, 12g/L in aqueous solution)
At 0.005% (220nm NaI, 10g/L in aqueous solution)
Containing 0.005% (340nm NaNO2, 50g/L in aqueous solution)
With 0.005% (370nm NaNO2, 50g/L in aqueous solution)
SBW L2nm

1% (198nm KCl, 12g/L in aqueous solution)
At 0.00008% (220nm NaI, 10g/L in aqueous solution)
Containing 0.00008% (340nm NaNO2, 50g/L in aqueous solution)
With 0.00008% (370nm NaNO2, 50g/L in aqueous solution)
SBW L2nm

Photometric Accuracy

±0.0015Abs (0-0.5Abs)
±0.0025Abs (0.5-1Abs)
±0.3%T at NIST SRM 930


Silicon photodiode

Photomultiplier tube

Standard ProgramAbs/%T meter, quantitative measurement, spectrum measurement, time change measurement, fixed wavelength measurement, validation, daily inspection, macro command (iRM only), 2 wavelength time change measurement (DS only)

Japanese/English (iRM), Japanese (DS)

Dimensions & Weight

486(W) x 441(D) x 216(H)mm, 15kg

460(W) x 602(D) x 268(H)mm, 27kg

460(W) x 602(D) x 268(H)mm, 29kg


Model name
Optical systemCzerny-Turner mount, single monochromator, double beam system
light sourceDeuterium lamp, halogen lamp
Wavelength range190-2700nm (3200nm * )190-1600nm
Wavelength Accuracy±0.3nm (656.1nm)
±1.5nm (1312.2nm)
±0.3nm (656.1nm)
±1.0nm (1312.2nm)
Spectral Bandwidth (SBW)

0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10nm
L2, L5, L10nm (low stray light mode)
M1, M2nm (microcell mode)
(UV-Vis)0.4, 0.8, 1, 2, 4, 8, 20, 40nm
L8, L20, L40nm (low stray light mode)
M4, M8nm (microcell
(near infrared)

0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10nm
L2, L5, L10nm (low stray light mode)
M1, M2nm (microcell mode)
(UV-Vis)0.2, 0.4, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 10, 20nmL4, L10, L20nm (low stray light mode)
M2, M4nm (microcell mode)
(near infrared)
Stray light1% (198nm KCl, 12g/L in aqueous solution)
At 0.005% (220nm NaI, 10g/L in aqueous solution)
Containing 0.005% (340nm NaNO2, 50g/L in aqueous solution)
With 0.005% (370nm NaNO2, 52g/L in aqueous solution)
SBW L2nm
Including 0.04% (1420nm: H2O)
Also 0.1% (1690nm: CH2Br2, 50mm cell) SBW L8nm

1% (198nm KCl, 12g/L in aqueous solution)
At 0.005% (220nm NaI, 10g/L in aqueous solution)
Containing 0.005% (340nm NaNO2, 50g/L in aqueous solution)
With 0.005% (370nm NaNO2, 52g/L in aqueous solution)
SBW L2nm
Including 0.04% (1420nm: H2O) SBW L4nm

Photometric Accuracy

±0.0015Abs (0-0.5Abs)
±0.0025Abs (0.5-1Abs)
±0.3%T at NIST SRM 930

DetectorPhotomultiplier tube, cooled PbS photoconductive elementPhotomultiplier tubes, cooled InGaAs photodiodes
Standard ProgramAbs/%T meter, quantitative measurement, spectrum measurement, time change measurement, fixed wavelength measurement, validation, daily inspection, macro command (iRM only), 2 wavelength time change measurement (DS only)
displayJapanese/English (iRM), Japanese (DS)
Dimensions & Weight460(W) x 602(D) x 268(H)mm, 29kg




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