NAGANO KEIKI KR80.KR81-KR85.KR86 Power Units: Transmitters

Made in Japan
Manufacturer: NAGANO KEIKI
Model: KR80.KR81-KR85.KR86 Power Units: Reliable DC Power for Transmitters
KR8□ Power supply unit series can be used as DC power source for various pressure, differential pressure and temperature transmitter.
KR80…… Suitable for the connection with a number of transmitters. For example, when 2 wire transmitter with
4 to 20mA output is used, up to thirty transmitters can be connected. In addition, the stability of the
output voltage is improved.KR81…… Lower-capacity and economical power unit. Especially, an economical system can be built for
small-scale instrumentation. When 2 wire transmitter with 4 to 20mA output is used, up to five
transmitters can be connected.
4 to 20mA output is used, up to thirty transmitters can be connected. In addition, the stability of the
output voltage is improved.KR81…… Lower-capacity and economical power unit. Especially, an economical system can be built for
small-scale instrumentation. When 2 wire transmitter with 4 to 20mA output is used, up to five
transmitters can be connected.
KR85…… Lower-capacity, small and lightweight power unit. When 2 wire transmitter is used, up to three
transmitters can be connected.
KR86…… Lower-capacity, small and lightweight power unit for transducer connection.
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