Japan, KGK
KGK Probes For Special Applications

Products Made in Japan
Manufacturer: KGK
Catalog: KGK Probes For Special Applications
This is a two-oscillator probe for applications such as flaw detection of steel plates and round bars, and thickness measurement of steel plates, pipes, and tanks. We can customize the appearance and focal length.
Low Frequency Transducers
Vertical Transducer: LN
Broadband Vertical Transducer: BLN
Immersion Transducer: LI
High Temperature Transducers
For flaw detection and plate thickness measurement of various materials.
High-temperature delay lines can also be used.
Vertical Transducer: HT
Broadband Vertical Transducer 150°C Continuous: BHT
Dual Element Vertical Transducer 300°C Intermittent: HMT
TOFD Transducers
Wedge replacement type and wedge integrated type are available.
Variable Angle Transducers
It is possible to generate longitudinal waves, shear waves, surface waves, plate waves, etc.
For flaw detection of thin materials.
Pencil Transducers
It is suitable for flaw detection and thickness measurement in confined spaces.
It is particularly suitable for thickness measurement and flaw detection of plastic containers.
Mirror Reflective Transducers
This transducer reflects sound waves with an inclined mirror and injects sound from the inner surface of the tube.
It is suitable for flaw detection and thickness measurement from the inner surface of pipes.
Automatic Water Supply Transducers
Various vertical and beam transducers for automatic machines and self-feeding type.
We also manufacture shoes and transducer holders.
Miniature interpolation transducers
This is a small transducer that can be inserted into the inner surface of a pipe.
Vertical and bevel from the inner surface of the pipe, immersion inspection and wall thickness measurements are possible.
Interpolation Multichannel Transducers
This is a small transducer that can be inserted into the inner surface of a pipe.
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multi-flaw detection materials with phased array flaw detectors that do not require
transducer and mirror rotation for
flaw detection and wall thickness measurement from the inside of pipes.
Roller Transducers

Silicone rubber tires enable sound wave propagation by dry coupling with slight pressurization.
There are dual element and transmission roller transducers using the transmission method.
It is suitable for continuous vertical flaw detection, continuous thickness measurement, and quality determination of materials.
Airborne ultrasound transducers
This transducer generates sound waves in the air using a composite oscillator.
It has a short wavelength, focusing, and good azimuth resolution.
There are flat type and point focusing type.
It is suitable for detecting surface cracks, the presence or absence of prototypes, and distance measurement.
Guided wave transducers
This transducer uses a guided wave.
It can propagate far away with little energy dissipation.
It is suitable for the evaluation and defect detection of crevice corrosion and erosion corrosion in piping in chemical plants.
Non-Couplant Transducers
5K5N, 5K10N (1 search),
5K5/2ND, 5K10/2ND (2 detectors)
Flexible transducers that do not require couplant and are not affected by surface roughness.
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Switch-switched angle beam transducer
5M 5×10A65 ⇔ 5M 10×10A70 This transducer can be used to switch between two types of transducers in
one transducer.
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